Fencing, a sport that demands speed, quick reflexes, and intense concentration has gained increasingly popularity in recent years. In collaboration with PRIMO FENCING, a professional fencing training centre, SUPREME is pleased to offer exclusive privileges to customers throughout the year.

Privilege 1. For new PRIMO FENCING students: 50% discount on their first four classes
SUPREME customers who are new to PRIMO FENCING can enjoy a 50% discount on their first four classes (original price: $260/class). Upon completing all four classes, customers will receive a course certificate from PRIMO FENCING. Furthermore, those who continue their training with the fifth class will be rewarded with a pair of specialised gloves.

Privilege 2. For existing PRIMO FENCING students: One 15-minute “one-on-one” session
Existing PRIMO FENCING students are eligible for a complimentary 15-minute "one-on-one" sparring session (valued at $150 - $200).

Address: G2&G5, Cotton Tree Mansions (Site 7), Whampoa Garden, Hung Hom
Opening hour: 13:00-20:00 ( Mon – Fri ) / 09:00-20:00 ( Sat ) / 09:00-18:00 ( Sun & Public Holiday )
Official website:

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