IDD 001

IDD 1968

IDD 1966

International SMS &
Video Call Service

International SMS

You can send SMS to overseas mobile number while in Hong Kong, click here for International SMS coverage.
Charge deduct 1 SMS + International SMS charge#
Method 1. Select "Message" in handset menu and create a message.
2. Key in the overseas recipient's phone number in the "To" or "CC" field as follows:
[+] [country code] [mobile number] and then press "Send"
#Please click here for International SMS charging details.

International MMS

You can send MMS to overseas mobile number while in Hong Kong.
Charge $3
one Multimedia unit will be deducted from your monthly plan plus HK$3 for each IMMS sent
Method 1. Select "Multimedia message" in "New Message" folder.
2. Key in the overseas subscriber's mobile number in the "To" or "CC" field as follows:
[+/001] [country code] [mobile number] and press "Send"

International Video Call Service

You can use International Video Call Service to call to overseas mobile number, click here for coverage and tariff details.
Dialling Procedure
001 or +
Country Code
Area Code
Telephone No.
Click here to view terms and conditions
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