
Subscribe Now

Ideal choice for heavy data users

  • Coverage in over 160 destinations with “All-Net-Coverage Roaming”*
  • Fixed daily charge for seamless roaming in the Euro Zone or mainland China and Macau on the same day
  • Supports in-flight roaming^
  • Experience 5G roaming#
or Dial shortcode to subscribe
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*The data was retrieved from the official websites of local mobile operators as of 10 October 2023. China Broadnet does not provide inbound roaming service. Operators in designated destinations provide 5G/4G roaming service, subject to the factors such as coverage by individual mobile operator, system compatibility, network settings and configurations, the specifications of mobile device and other relevant factors. Only applicable to customers with relevant roaming service.
^ Click here to view the supported airlines. After the cabin crew announces that mobile phones can be used, customer is required to turn off Flight Mode and turn on Data Roaming then the phone will be automatically logged-on the available in-flight roaming network.
#Applicable only to customers subscribed to the 5G monthly plan and requires a 5G roaming-enabled device (iOS/Android) in designated destinations.
Click here for details of the data roaming tariff for non-designated networks.
Click here to view terms and conditions.
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